Open Hours
Mon - Fri:
8.00 am - 8.00 pm
9.00am - 6.00 pm
9.00am - 6.00 pm

Category: Uncategorised

Novacoat celebrates painting over 2.5 million parts since the beginning of 2022!

We are thrilled to mark this significant milestone for Novacoat and we would like to thank our entire team of employees, customers and suppliers for their role in making this possible.

It is with pride that we can say cars produced by leading OEMs were equipped with parts painted by Novacoat.

This milestone is a testament to Novacoat’s continued commitment to providing high quality painting solutions to our customers.

Our success would not have been possible without the collaboration of everyone involved, and for that we would like to thank everyone for their dedication and hard work.

We continue to look forward to working with our partners, customers and suppliers to provide market-leading painting solutions to meet the needs of the automotive and general industry.

Thank you all for your dedication and continued support!

NOVACOAT em parceria com o Clube de CiÊncia Viva do Agrupamento de Escolas de Vendas Nova

A NOVACOAT, no ÃĒmbito da sua política de responsabilidade social, ofereceu uma hotte ao Agrupamento de Escolas de Vendas Novas. No passado dia 30 de março teve o prazer de receber nas suas instalaçÃĩes duas turmas do 10š e 12š ano, deste Agrupamento.

Esta visita, inserida no Clube de CiÊncia Viva, da qual a NOVACOAT assumiu parceria, serviu para os alunos terem um contacto mais prÃģximo com a indÚstria de componentes automÃģvel e mais concretamente com uma linha de pintura e respetivo laboratÃģrio de controlo de qualidade. Nestas instalaçÃĩes os alunos tiveram contacto direto com as mais diversas normas de qualidade de pintura automÃģvel, assim como com os respetivos ensaios associados.

Exmos. Senhores

Administradores da NOVACOAT

Em nome do Agrupamento de Escolas de Vendas Novas venho, por este meio, agradecer à NOVACOAT a doaçÃĢo de uma hotte, equipamento de proteçÃĢo coletiva,destinada a dotar o laboratÃģrio de Física e Química da Escola SecundÃĄria com esta valÊncia, que em muito contribuirÃĄ para que os alunos e docentes do Agrupamento possam aprender, ensinar e desenvolver atividades experimentais em segurança.

Grata pela disponibilidade e colaboraçÃĢo, envio os meus melhores cumprimentos.

AdÃĐlia Bentes 
(Diretora do AEVN)

Painting plastics: a flexible and compact line for high quality production

Novacoat is a painting services company that has been operating in the VW Autoeuropa industrial park in Palmela, Portugal. It was born with a specialization, the painting of aesthetic components for the automotive industry: Three partners, with long experience in this area, Paulo Torres, Pedro Alves and Carlos Domingues, with the support of a fourth partner active in project development, production of molds and plastic injection, the DRT group.


Afia (Portuguese Manufacturers Association for the Automotive Industry) visited Novacoat on the occasion of the official opening, on the 18th of November, in the presence of authorities, managers of VW Autoeuropa, suppliers of VW factory and a large number of Portuguese entrepreneurs in the plastics processing industry.

New Year, New Equipment and Upgrades!

We are happy to share the new upgrades done in our line with the implementation of automatic blowing and robot flaming!

Novacoat Opening Day

NOVACOAT was inaugurated last November 18, 2021 at the Autoeuropa Industrial Park, in a night that had a lot of entertainment.

Certified ISO 9001:2015

With extensive technical expertise, combined with technological innovation, NOVACOAT, positions itself on the market as a company of excellence in surface treatment and painting for the automotive industry. It provides the customer with a complete service, from conception to delivery of the final product.